Syncthing local=true didn't respond after 1m0s

Hi, I’m testing okteto both under VSCode and with the CLI, and I get the error:
“Syncthing local=true didn’t respond after 1m0s” on a “okteto up” command.

I tested with the 2 samples “vscode-remote-go” and “go-getting-started” on a Microk8s single node.

Here is the log of “okteto up” command:

[cloud@inexpk8s01b vscode-remote-go]$ /home/cloud/.okteto-vscode/okteto up  -f '/home/cloud/go/src/vscode-remote-go/okteto.yml' --remote 22100 --log-level=info
INFO[0000] started /home/cloud/.okteto-vscode/okteto up -f /home/cloud/go/src/vscode-remote-go/okteto.yml --remote 22100 --log-level=info 
INFO[0000] failed to read warning file '/home/cloud/.okteto/.warnings/localwatcher': open /home/cloud/.okteto/.warnings/localwatcher: no such file or directory 
INFO[0000] Using default @ microk8s as context          
 i  Using default @ microk8s as context
INFO[0000] inferring name from git repository URL       
INFO[0000] Terminal: &{{27906 5 1215 35387 0 [3 28 127 21 4 0 1 0 17 19 26 255 18 15 23 22 255 0 0] 0 0}} 
INFO[0000] /home/cloud/.okteto/ already present 
INFO[0000] /home/cloud/.okteto/id_rsa_okteto already present 
INFO[0000] enabled remote mode                          
INFO[0000] '.stignore' exists in folder '/home/cloud/go/src/vscode-remote-go' 
INFO[0005] Failed to send analytics: mixpanel: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) 
INFO[0005] activating development container retry=false 
⠋ Activating your development container... INFO[0006] updating volume claim 'vsc-hello-world-okteto' 
⠙ Activating your development container... INFO[0006] local syncthing initialized: gui -> 43623, sync -> 34908 
INFO[0006] remote syncthing initialized: gui -> 40991, sync -> 40599 
INFO[0006] error getting name for process 15175: open /proc/15175/status: no such file or directory 
INFO[0006] checking syncthing home '/home/cloud/.okteto/default/vsc-hello-world' with command '/var/okteto/bin/syncthing -home /var/syncthing -gui-address' 
INFO[0006] checking syncthing home '/home/cloud/.okteto/default/vsc-hello-world' with command '/var/okteto/bin/syncthing -home /var/syncthing -gui-address' 
INFO[0006] create deployment secrets                    
INFO[0006] updated okteto secret 'okteto-vsc-hello-world' 
INFO[0006] updating service 'vsc-hello-world'           
INFO[0006] updated service 'vsc-hello-world'.           
⠋ Attaching persistent volume... INFO[0006] dev pod vsc-hello-world-okteto-6889cf59bc-gkvzj is now Running 
INFO[0006] Images successfully pulled                   
 ✓  Images successfully pulled
INFO[0006] starting SSH port forwards                   
⠋ Configuring SSH tunnel to your development container... INFO[0006] starting SSH forward manager                 
INFO[0006] SSH forward manager retry 1                  
INFO[0006] all k8s port-forwards are connected          
INFO[0006] k8s port forward to dev pod connected        
INFO[0006] starting SSH connection pool on :22100       
INFO[0006] ssh ping to :22100 was successful            
⠋ Starting the file synchronization service... INFO[0006] waiting for syncthing local=true to be ready 
⠴ Starting the file synchronization service... INFO[0007] syncthing local=true is not ready yet        
⠏ Starting the file synchronization service... INFO[0064] syncthing local=true is not ready yet        
⠼ Starting the file synchronization service... INFO[0065] syncthing local=true is not ready yet        
INFO[0066] starting shutdown sequence                   
INFO[0071] Failed to send analytics: mixpanel: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) 
INFO[0071] sent cancellation signal                     
INFO[0071] stopping syncthing                           
INFO[0071] ssh forward> -> done 
INFO[0071] ssh forward> -> done 
INFO[0071] terminating syncthing 15177 without wait     
INFO[0071] terminated syncthing 15177 without wait      
INFO[0071] stopping forwarders                          
INFO[0071] ssh forward> -> done 
INFO[0071] stopped k8s forwarder                        
INFO[0071] stopped SSH forward manager                  
INFO[0071] completed shutdown sequence                  
INFO[0071] activate failed with: syncthing local=true didn't respond after 1m0s 
INFO[0071] exit signal received due to error: syncthing local=true didn't respond after 1m0s 
INFO[0071] Syncthing local=true didn't respond after 1m0s
    Find additional logs at: /home/cloud/.okteto/default/vsc-hello-world/okteto.log 
 x  Syncthing local=true didn't respond after 1m0s
    Find additional logs at: /home/cloud/.okteto/default/vsc-hello-world/okteto.log

And during the intialization message “Activating your dev…”, I can connect sucessfuly in SSH into the containter:

[cloud@inexpk8s01b vscode-remote-go]$ ssh localhost -p 22100 -i /home/cloud/.okteto/id_rsa_okteto
Welcome to your development container. Happy coding!
default:vsc-hello-world okteto>

Any clues ? Thanks

Are you synchronizing a folder with a lot of files? (or big ones?). If this happens again, could you open a separate terminal, run “okteto doctor”, and share the generated logs? Those logs include more information on what’s blocking the sync and will help us troubleshoot the issue.

Hi Ramiro, I’m just running the GO sample from Okteto to evaluate it before going to a real project. So I can’t tell if the volume of files to sync is huge or not. I guess it should work :slight_smile:

I don’t know if there’s a way to send you in a better way the doctor file, so I put it under my Github’s repo:

Thanks for you help.

Ramiro, I invited you to my repository with the doctor file in case where you’d had access issue.
Will you have the time to look at my problem ?

Thank you for your help.

We looked at the logs but haven’t been able to figure out the issue. Is there anything special about your network connection or file system? The error in the logs means that syncthing was able to finish the initial sync of your filesystem within the allotted time. Is this happening with other repositories on different folders?