I’m seeing this error with “okteto context use.” I have a token set, but am hoping to use my own cluster with the CLI. Any ideas on how I can debug this further?
workspace@primary:~$ okteto context list
! Initializing context with the value of OKTETO_TOKEN environment variable
Name Namespace Builder Registry
https://cloud.okteto.com * bpmct tcp://buildkit.cloud.okteto.net:443 registry.cloud.okteto.net
default-context coder-ws-bpmct-hello docker -
workspace@primary:~$ okteto context use default-context
! Initializing context with the value of OKTETO_TOKEN environment variable
x Internal server error, please try again
workspace@primary:~$ okteto --log-level=debug context use default-context
! Initializing context with the value of OKTETO_TOKEN environment variable
x Internal server error, please try again