Internal server error while launching dev environment first time


This is my very first attempt to use okteto. I am trying to launch a dev environment using web:

Successfully assigned okteto/installer-8a237630-212c-4bd1-bcb9-9ac85718c0a4-fsrjd to gke-cloud-dev-1-eebd98df-s4sd Created pod: installer-8a237630-212c-4bd1-bcb9-9ac85718c0a4-fsrjd Started container installer-bin Container image "okteto/pipeline-runner:1.0.0" already present on machine Created container installer Started container installer Deploying Dev Environment initialized kubernetes client with InClusterConfig adding as a helm repo "okteto" has been added to your repositories Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "okteto" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈ checkout command: '[git clone --depth 1 https://***:*** -b main /okteto/src]' Cloning git repository 'https://***:***' branch 'main'... Cloning into '/okteto/src'... `Running okteto pipeline at:

  • Commit: 460b90a8031a623d1a2d7741cd926d963afea616
  • Message: Merge pull request #11 from NitishKumar06/Nitish/BrokenLink okteto information: - okteto cli version: v2.13.0 executing ‘okteto context’… ! Initializing context with the value of OKTETO_TOKEN, OKTETO_URL and OKTETO_NAMESPACE environment variables x Internal server error, please try again exit status 1`

I am getting the same error while using okteto cli on my local computer.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thanks a lot.

Hi @dmitrii.erkin !

What’s your output when running okteto context from the CLI? Are you using

Hi @AgustinRamiroDiaz

The output is:

$ okteto context
 !  Initializing context with the value of OKTETO_TOKEN environment variable
 x  Internal server error, please try again

I downloaded config.json from and saved it into /.okteto/context

@dmitrii.erkin there seems to be something going on with the OKTETO_TOKEN envvar

Since it’s a sensitive value, please check if the value of the OKTETO_TOKEN envvar from your shell matches with the "token" field (contexts[""].token would be in JSON notation) from the config.json you’ve downloaded?

In summary, echo ${OKTETO_TOKEN} should be the same as the token defined in the config.json. If not, you should check if there’s something setting that envvar in your PC

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Hi @AgustinRamiroDiaz

Now I can deploy the movies-with-compose app from my okteto web account, but it still fails when I am using okteto cli.
It keeps saying “Your token is invalid. Generating a new one…” despite I am pretty sure I copied the token from the json file:

okteto up
! Initializing context with the value of OKTETO_TOKEN environment variable
x Your token is invalid. Please run ‘okteto context use’ and try again

okteto context use results in " ✓ Using context dmitrii-erkin @
" but then okteto up fails again

Hi @dmitrii.erkin

I’ll try to reproduce. In the meantime, could you try out unsetting the envvar by running unset OKTETO_TOKEN?