How to install the Docker Desktop Extension

Do you love Docker Desktop, but your application is starting to get too big for your local machine? Our Docker Desktop extension is exactly what you need. Get the Docker Desktop experience you love without the restrictions of having to run everything on your local machine.

Follow the steps below to install the Docker Desktop Extension, and move your development environment to the cloud.

Enable Docker Extensions

  1. Install Docker Desktop ≥ 4.8.0

    1. Mac (Apple Silicon):
    2. Mac (Intel):
    3. Windows:
    4. Linux: See post below for instructions on how to install in Ubutu
  2. Download Docker extension CLI:

  3. Install Docker extension CLI:

Mac (Intel)

tar -xvzf desktop-extension-cli-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
mv docker-extension ~/.docker/cli-plugins

Mac (Apple Silicon)

tar -xvzf desktop-extension-cli-darwin-arm64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
mv docker-extension ~/.docker/cli-plugins


tar -xvzf desktop-extension-cli-windows-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
mv docker-extension.exe ~/.docker/cli-plugins
  1. Enable Docker Extensions by running:
docker extension enable

Install the Okteto Docker Desktop Extension

docker extension install okteto/docker-desktop-extension:0.1.17

Developing time!

Once everything is installed, you’ll see the Okteto logo in the extensions section of Docker Desktop. Click on it and start developing! GitHub - okteto/movies-with-compose: Movies App deployed with Compose is a good repository to get started with.

If you run into any issues, or you have any feedback, please let us know by posting a message on this topic!

I installed it on Ubuntu 21.10:

  1. Install Docker Desktop 4.8.0
    4. Linux:
  2. Download Docker extension CLI:
    4. Linux:
  3. Install Docker extension CLI:
    4. Linux:
    tar -xvzf desktop-extension-cli-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
    mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
    mv docker-extension ~/.docker/cli-plugins
  4. Enable Docker extensions CLI:
    docker extension enable
  5. Install the Okteto Docker extension:
    docker extension install okteto/docker-desktop-extension:0.1.17

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Thanks @aerabi, this is great! I’ll remove the instructions on the post above in favor of yours.

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Please keep them. I just wanted to add the instructions for Linux as it was missing from your original post (which was only for Mac and Windows). :pray:

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The Docker Extension is now publicly available via the Marketplace. To install it:

  1. Download Docker Desktop 4.8
  2. Open the Dashboard
  3. Go to Preferences → Extensions → Enable Docker Extensions
  4. Click on the Extensions button (on the three dots) and click on “Marketplace”
  5. Install the Okteto extension.
  6. Happy coding!
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