Hi, I am trying to run GitHub - okteto/flask-producer-consumer.
I have created the required okteto secret mentioned in the prereq.
But when i try to run the project on Okteto i get the following error:
2023-02-02 03:56:45.45 UTCmongodb-0mongodb{"t":{"$date":"2023-02-02T03:56:45.455+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":23015, "ctx":"listener","msg":"Listening on","attr":{"address":""}}
2023-02-02 03:56:45.45 UTCmongodb-0mongodb{"t":{"$date":"2023-02-02T03:56:45.455+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":23016, "ctx":"listener","msg":"Waiting for connections","attr":{"port":27017,"ssl":"off"}}
2023-02-02 04:00:33.00 UTCmongodb-0[pod-event](combined from similar events): Readiness probe errored: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to exec in container: failed to start exec "ce1523ac75f4594dc46ffdb0e14644728c72e1d604635886625429b6be3bcbbc": OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "mongo": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown
Please let me know how to resolve this, thanks!