Rasa with mongodb

Been trying to setup rasa with mongodb tracker store and i am completely stuck for the past three days and i am frustrated and need community help.

I keep getting the error message ConnectionException: Cannot connect to tracker store.mongodb:29017: timed out

Hi @Hebifa.Rafiki. Could you share a repository or code snippets of your code and configuration?

Based on the error, Iā€™d check to see if the name of your MongoDB services matches hostname you are using in the connection string.

Thanks @romiro for getting back. I ginally got it workinng. i noticed i had not initialized mongodb with a user and password and after initialization i was able to see a connection to it and it was successfully added as a tracker store.

However in order to access the mongodb through a client, i tried with Mongo Compass but the connection would not work completely. I am currently trying Mongo Express which i included in the docker-compose file but i have observed two things

  1. My Logs files from my okteto namespace for mongo-express is continously in loading state so i am unable to see the logs for the deployment process of mongo-express

  2. Mongo Express is reported to have successfully deployed (at least from the logs after running okteto up) but from the namespace it is continuously in Progressing mode for a very long time and then it terminates

Thank you @romiro for getting back. I finally got it working. I noticed i needed to initiate and create a new user at initialization and after doing this i was able to connect.

However, when i add mongo-express in the docker file, when i check the okteto namespace, it stays in Progressing for a long time and later terminates with an error.

The logging also stays at loading so i am not able to view the okteto logs.

How do i get mongo-express to work. i cannot see the logs from okteto namespace

https://github.com/A4Ayub/Grace <== This is where the repo is.

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@Hebifa.Rafiki the repo is private, or non-existing. I was able to launch mongo and mongo-express using this configuration without any issue, in case it helps.

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Please share your github details i give you access.

We seem to be having alot of challenges with this.

In the meantime let me try follow your instructions and see if we will
be able to launch the mongo-express

Quoting Ramiro Berrelleza via Okteto Community

@ramiro i followed your steps and was able to successfully connect mongodb-express and even login from the browser.

Thank you very much. You have been helpful. I will create a new issue separate from this one which i am facing. It is regarding action server. Please allow me to mention you on the issue which i had raised earlier and mentioned someone else but i have not got a response.

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Hi Ramiro,

I have made significant progress with deployments and this is just

I have sent an email to add custom domains into our namespace. Could you
kindly help with that.


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