Thanks @romiro for getting back. I ginally got it workinng. i noticed i had not initialized mongodb with a user and password and after initialization i was able to see a connection to it and it was successfully added as a tracker store.
However in order to access the mongodb through a client, i tried with Mongo Compass but the connection would not work completely. I am currently trying Mongo Express which i included in the docker-compose file but i have observed two things
My Logs files from my okteto namespace for mongo-express is continously in loading state so i am unable to see the logs for the deployment process of mongo-express
Mongo Express is reported to have successfully deployed (at least from the logs after running okteto up) but from the namespace it is continuously in Progressing mode for a very long time and then it terminates
Thank you @romiro for getting back. I finally got it working. I noticed i needed to initiate and create a new user at initialization and after doing this i was able to connect.
However, when i add mongo-express in the docker file, when i check the okteto namespace, it stays in Progressing for a long time and later terminates with an error.
@Hebifa.Rafiki the repo is private, or non-existing. I was able to launch mongo and mongo-express using this configuration without any issue, in case it helps.
@ramiro i followed your steps and was able to successfully connect mongodb-express and even login from the browser.
Thank you very much. You have been helpful. I will create a new issue separate from this one which i am facing. It is regarding action server. Please allow me to mention you on the issue which i had raised earlier and mentioned someone else but i have not got a response.