Preventing Okteto / syncthing from writing logs to stdout

Hi, I’m using the OSS version of Okteto to setup a development container on my kubernetes cluster.
Everything works fine so far, and I’ve recently started working on the logging setup for my development pod.
My application is composed of multiple processes(php monolith), and I’ve managed to redirect php-fpm logs to stdout.

When running kubectl logs <pod_name> I’m able to see my php-fpm logs, but also tons of ‘Info’ logs from okteto / syncthing.
Since promtail is going to collect the logs from the pod, I want to get rid of the okteto/syncthing logs, so I will end up with the php-fpm logs (I know it can be done by promtail filtering, but I would rather “save” this extra work from promtail).
So far, I’ve tried setting the environment variable OKTETO_LOG_LEVEL: error, as well as configuring the sync configuration to verbose: false.
While this really does disable the logs from the interactive terminal session that is created when running okteto up, the info logs of okteto/syncthing are still being redirected to the pod logs.

Is there an option to disable these logs / redirect them to anywhere else but stdout, so I’ll end up with my application logs only ?

Here are some of the logs from kubectl logs <okteto_pod> command:
level=info msg="Accepted forward 8384"" process=remote
time=“2025-01-20T15:59:44+02:00” level=info msg="time="2025-01-20T15:59:44+02:00"

Hello @HarelSultan !

Unfortunately, we do not currently have the ability to remove the Okteto/Syncthing logs from the stdout. We started the internal discussion on this possibility in the future so we can make this a feature.

Thank you for reporting it to us,

Hi @jona , thank you for your answer!
Sounds great, looking forward for that.