Hi, I’ve been using Okteto for a few weeks now and it has been great, but recently something went wrong (I’m not sure exactly how it happened but I think I destroyed a build that was in progress) and now I cannot launch my dev environment because terraform gets stuck on this state lock. If I had access to the terraform instance, I’d just force-unlock the offending lock ID, but I don’t know how to do that.
Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments...! ╷
Error: Error acquiring the state lock
Error message: writing "gs://okteto-tf-state/terraform/apwhy.tflock"
failed: googleapi: Error 412: At least one of the pre-conditions you
specified did not hold., conditionNotMet
Lock Info:
ID: 1668598948692952
Path: gs://okteto-tf-state/terraform/apwhy.tflock
Operation: OperationTypeApply
Who: root@installer-bbb68d93-bf5c-4041-ba30-c601ba57aca1-l8nm5
Version: 1.0.0
Created: 2022-11-16 11:42:27.90929473 +0000 UTC
Terraform acquires a state lock to protect the state from being written
by multiple users at the same time. Please resolve the issue above and try
again. For most commands, you can disable locking with the "-lock=false"
flag, but this is not recommended.! ╵error executing command '~/tfenv/bin/terraform apply -auto-approve -var="create_namespace=false" -var="namespace=${OKTETO_NAMESPACE}"': exit status 1exit status 1