How to specify whether the application must be deployment or statefulset

I have been deploying my application to okteto dev namespace using docker compose yaml…
But the services are getting deployed as statefulset most of the time…
How can I deploy them as deployment instead of statefulsets.
Since my application uses same pvc for sharing the data, scaling stateful set is failing…

Hi ashkundar! I’m not sure I follow. Can you submit your docker-compose.yml?

If you have defined the volumes section, Okteto infers that your service must be deployed as a statefulset

Yes i have defined a volume with 5GiB and mounted to the 3 services…
All the 3 services are deployed as statefulset
Is there any way around (okteto inferring as statefulset), because stateful set require their own pvcs…

Can you explain a bit more about the use case? Okteto transforms services with volumes into statefulsets to guarantee no data loss across redeploys.

If your services need to store information in volumes, why wouldn’t they be statefulsets?