How to disable cache for okteto deploy --build?

I have noticed that after adding one line to my okteto-stack.yml, the changes were not reflected. I see that in okteto stack deploy --build command, there is a --no-cache option. However, okteto CLI also tells me that okteto stack will be deprecated and will be replaced with okteto deploy.

Now, when I try okteto deploy --no-cache, I get the error Unknown flag: --no-cache.

Is there an option to disable cache without using okteto stack deploy?

This time I got around by deleting the image from the web dashboard, but it will save some time if I can avoid this.

For reference, this is the change in my file.


    command: >
      bash -c "mkdir -p tmp 
      && python collectstatic --no-input
      && python migrate
      && gunicorn rises_ops.wsgi --reload -b"


    command: >
      bash -c "mkdir -p tmp 
      # added this line
      && mkdir -p static
      && python collectstatic --no-input
      && python migrate
      && gunicorn rises_ops.wsgi --reload -b"

Hi, you can use the okteto build command, it comes with the --no-cache flag. You can also build all images or just a few passing the image names as arguments