How do I change the default URL of my Okteto instance?

By default, the subdomain I mention in my config.yaml file for Okteto is used to create the domain for my Okteto instance. I can access my instance at https://okteto.SUBDOMAIN. But how do I change this to another URL?

To change the URL where your Okteto instance is accessible to something else from the default URL of https://okteto.SUBDOMAIN, you can configure the publicOverride property in your config.yaml.

Specify the publicOverride: "" in your config.yaml like this, and then make sure to point the Okteto NGINX Ingress’ EXTERNAL-IP address to your DNS for the domain you have chosen to use. You can get this external IP by running the following command:

kubectl get service, --namespace=okteto

You also need to make sure that the certificates you issue are valid for this new domain as well.