I want to use Okteto in an airgapped environment with a k3s cluster. How can I do the full process?
You can find our official instructions on how to install Okteto in Air-Gapped environments here.
Air-Gapped installations are only supported on Okteto’s Enterprise
tier. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us via your sales contact or our support channels.
Install k3s
If you don’t have a k3s cluster already installed, follow these steps to install it. This guide is for Ubuntu
- Installation:
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable=traefik" sh -
We are going to disable traefik, which comes by default and we are going to use nginx controller from Okteto.
If you already have it installed in your cluster with traefik you can disable it editing k3s configuration file (usually located at/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml
- traefik
Run the command below to restart k3s and apply the configuration change.
$ sudo systemctl restart k3s
Check status:
systemctl status k3s
This should show status asactive (running)
Check that your cluster is healthy with kubectl:
sudo kubectl get all -n kube-system
To avoid any warnings, we recommend that you copy /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
to your $HOME directory and set read-only permissions:
sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $HOME/kubeconfig
sudo chown $USER:$USER $HOME/kubeconfig
chmod 400 $HOME/kubeconfig
Okteto Container Images
The images used by Okteto are listed in our documentation. By default, kubernetes will pull the images from Dockerhub during installation.
For air-gapped installations, you need to make the images available to your cluster. We recommend the following approaches for k3s-based installations:
Copy them to the VM and use them with Local Registry
The main benefit of this approach is that you don’t need to change the container images or the helm configuration values.
For this approach, you need to:
- Pull all the images from a computer with access to the internet
- Export them as a tar file
- Copy them to the air-gapped VM
- Load them using
You’ll need to do this for every image and every node on your cluster. For example, to do this for the okteto/backend:1.27.1 image, you’ll need to run the commands below:
docker save okteto/backend:1.27.1 -o okteto-backend.tar
scp okteto-backend.tar user@air-gappedvm:/home/user
ssh user@air-gappedvm
sudo ctr -n k8s.io images import okteto-backend.tar
sudo k3s crictl images
A second approach is to use an OCI private registry, such as ECR/GCR/Harbor. This is recommended if you already have a private registry available, and your K3S cluster can access it within the air-gapped network.
In this scenario, you’ll need to perform the following action on each image used by Okteto:
- Pull the image
- Tag the image to match your private registry
- Push the image to your private registry
For example, to do this for the okteto/backend:1.27.1 image, you’ll need to run the commands below to push it to registry “registry.example.com”
docker pull okteto/backend:1.27.1
docker tag okteto/backend:1.27.1 registry.example.com/okteto/backend:1.27.1
docker push registry.example.com/okteto/backend:1.27.1
If you using this approach, you will need to update your helm configuration file with the URL of your registry. More information on this is available here.
Install Okteto
Follow our installation guide for DNS and certificates in Okteto docs
In addition to the images of your registry (in case you need to add them), you also need to set the values listed below on your helm configuration file.
license: provided by Okteto sales
subdomain: your domain
enabled: false
The default installation of Okteto includes a load balancer (this is used to expose the web UI, API, and development environment endpoints to your users). K3S doesn’t come with a native LB, but a few options exist. Each of them will require you to apply extra configuration for your helm configuration file:
Use MetalLB
If you are using MetalLB (or if you have a single VM), you need to change the service type of the ingress-nginx
controller to NodePort
enabled: true
type: NodePort
Use the VM internal IP
If you prefer to use the VM’s internal IP, you need to set it as the externalIPs
of the ingress-nginx
controller’s service.
- (example)
Now you have everything ready to install Okteto!! Download our Helm chart, decompress it, upload it to the machine with access to your cluster, and execute the command below.
helm upgrade --install okteto ./okteto -f config.yaml --namespace okteto --create-namespace
Extra DNS configuration*
Okteto requires you to create a wildcard DNS entry to map the load balancer’s IP to the subdomain that you are using.
If you are in an air-gapped environment and cannot create wildcard DNS entries, you can instead create the following separate entries. All of them should point to the IP of the ingress-nginx controller in the okteto namespace:
We are here to help
Air-gapped installations can be complicated. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us via your sales contact or our support channels. We are here to help!