Deployment fails with "Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable"

After upgrading to Okteto 1.10 Self-Hosted, my environment fails to deploy with the following error:
“Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable”

Hi @ramiro ,

That error means that the installer pod is not able to contact to the Kubernetes API. That is usually because the property cluster.endpoint in the chart values is not set. When that happens, Okteto tries to infer the endpoint of the Kubernetes API but is not always possible. We are working on a feature to avoid the need of setting that property exposing the Kubernetes API behind Okteto’s domain.

In the meantime, you there is a workaround.

Setting the cluster.endpoint property in the helm chart values. You can do it as we explain in our public guides (this step is the same for all the providers). You just need to execute the command kubectl config view --minify | grep server, get the value of the server property and use it in the cluster.endpoint property.

Hope this helps!