Docker compose watch replaces syncthing?

Today, Docker announced the docker compose watch feature * Use Compose Watch.
From my understanding, docker compose watch is a built-in feature which is doing the same job what syncthing is doing for Okteto’s dev containers, syncing the project files between the local machine and Okteto’s dev container in the background.
I wonder if Okteto have the plan to replace synkthing with compose watch in the future and if that brings any advantage to Okteto.

Hi Hosam,
I don’t think we can use “compose watch” now. Compose watch works using the Docker API in your Docker Desktop. Okteto’s support for Compose works against the Kubernetes API of a remote cluster. Our solution is designed for remote development environments instead of containers running on your laptop. To this end, we have our own kubernetes driver for the compose spec, instead of using the Docker CLI. Also, as part of creating your remote dev containers, Okteto does other things, like enabling an SSH port, that Compose does not support at the moment.

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