After destroy, redeploy failed on "fatal: Could not read from remote repository"

I destroyed a resource, the ran okteto pipeline deploy from the command line. But now the deployment failed. This is what I’m getting:

Cloning git repository 'ssh://' branch 'master'...
Cloning into '/okteto/src'... Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
failed to clone repository with URL 'ssh://'

Hi @oriharel,

It seems you’re encountering an SSH public key validation error while deploying a repository. Okteto uses a platform-wide SSH key for all Git SSH clone operations.

Please ensure the Okteto SSH public key is added to your Git server. You can obtain the SSH public key from the admin UI of your instance. If you’re unsure, please contact the administrator of your instance. For more details, refer to the documentation:

Best regards,

I ensured, everything was in order, just won’t connect. I ended up uninstalling the Okteto app from Github (and losing my data along the way) and reinstalling. then the connection was resumed and authorized.